Hi Mike 

Yeah .... well, there is always a difference between (1) description of group 
differences and (2) explanation. Group differences in IQ (and/or g) exist. In 
one sense, what really matters is the effect size. In another sense, average 
performance differences do not matter; what _really_ matters is whether there 
is bias for or against groups; bias being whether the test "works" differently 
for different groups, whether in terms of the regression coefficient regressing 
criterion on the IQ/g test (there is no bias btw, except a slight bias against 
Orientals) or different patterns of construct validity for the groups etc etc 
etc. On the previous point, whether a Hispanic/white IQ difference matters 
vis-a-vis the immigration issue (I believe this was the issue that spurred the 
media coverage) is an issue of effect size. 

As far as the Nisbett et al 2012 article, some of this has always been obvious. 
That heritability (h^2) estimates vary by social class simply restates the 
obvious that within-group h^2 estimates vary depending on what group is 
studied. People old enough will remember Donald Hebb's interesting example of 
kids raised in a barrel until age 16, who would emerge retarded on average 
because of the environment but their h^2 would be close to 1.0 as there is no 
environmental variation to work with. But Arthur Jensen made the same point, 
more academically, in his 1969 paper which ironically initiated the Hebb 
response .. this is the 1969 paper, like The Bell Curve, that everyone cites 
but fewer people read. Nisbett also mentions IQ jumps of 12 to 18 points in 
adoption studies .. there has always been correlations between children and 
adopting parents, though these correlations weaken with age. Anyway, my 
comments are not meant as an endorsement of the activities of the Heritage 
Foundation.Rather I am always amazed at how much press is generated whenever 
descriptive group differences in IQ/g are mentioned ... 

John W. Kulig, Ph.D. 
Professor of Psychology 
Coordinator, Psychology Honors 
Plymouth State University 
Plymouth NH 03264 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Mike Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> 
To: "Teaching in the Psychological Sciences (TIPS)" 
Cc: "Michael Palij" <m...@nyu.edu> 
Sent: Wednesday, May 29, 2013 12:13:28 PM 
Subject: [tips] What Is Wrong With Harvard? 

Given the media savvy bunch that Tipsters are, I am sure that most have 
heard of the Harvard Ph.D. who was fired from his job as Scholar/Researcher 
at the Heritage Foundation (a conservative think tank in Washington, D.C.) 
after claiming that Hispanics have lower intelligence (i.e., IQ scores) than 
White folks (he refers to them as "Native Whites" of the U.S. possibly 
that Whites elsewhere, such as Canada, Europe, Australia, etc., are also 
potentially less intelligence than "Native Whites" of the U.S. -- a belief, 
I think 
that most U.S. "Native Whites" probably subscribe to). For those who were 
too busy waiting for the new episodes of "Arrested Development" to arrive or 
seeing "Star Trek Into Darkness" several times or "Fast and Furious 6" or 
whatever, here is one media outlet's article that provides background on 

The basis for his claim that "Native Whites" have greater intelligence than 
Hispanics comes from a Ph.D. dissertation he wrote at Harvard's Kennedy 
School of Government, department of Public Policy. This has not gone 
unnoticed by students at Harvard who appear to have responded with 
a collective "WTF?" and are demanding an investigation of how such a 
"Bemian event" could occur; for one source on this see: 

A more detailed analysis of the person at the center of the controversy, his 
dissertation committee, the role that Charles Murray played (of "Bell Curve" 
fame and who is apparently salaried by the Heritage Foundation but doesn't 
have an office there -- Murray was also the "hero" of our Harvard Ph.D. 
and served as an advisor), and some information on how the dissertation got 
passed. See: 

Apparently, there are some aspects of the dissertation process that members 
the committee don't care to discuss because of their personal nature but 
leave a number of questions unanswered. Perhaps there will be an 
investigation by 
the admin at Harvard to better understand how this dissertation got through. 

One particularly useful thing that the last webpage provides is a link to 
the 2012 
update of APA's position paper on intelligence (APA's paper was published in 
1995). The reference to this paper is: 
Nisbett, R. E., Aronson, J., Blair, C., Dickens, W., Flynn, J., Halpern, D. 
F., & 
Turkheimer, E. (2012, January 2). Intelligence: New Findings and Theoretical 
Developments. American Psychologist. 
Advance online publication. doi: 10.1037/a0026699 

A copy can be obtained here: 

One wonders if Herrnstein were still alive when the dissertation was 
being done, whether he would have served on the committee but one 
might wonder in what role? 

-Mike Palij 
New York University 

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