Some subscribers to TIPS might be interested in a recent post 
"Senator Sheldon Whitehouse - Time to Wake Up: GOP Opposition to 
Climate Science" [Hake (2013)].  The abstract reads:

ABSTRACT: Orlo Stitt (2013) of the Physoc list has called attention 
to Senator Sheldon Whitehouse's speech "Time to Wake Up: GOP 
Opposition to Climate Science" at <>. Therein 
Whitehouse says:

(1) "How wise is it for the Republican Party to wed itself to the 
deniers and proclaim that climate change is a hoax?"

(2) "I'm willing to do a carbon pollution fee that sets the market in 
balance, and returns every single dollar to the American people.  No 
new agencies.  No new taxes.  No bigger government.  Every dollar 
back.  Just a balanced market, with the costs included in the price, 
which will make better energy choices, increase jobs, and prevent 

In my opinion, regarding:

"1": Whitehouse is correct in asserting that the Republican Party has 
"wed itself to the  [climate change] deniers."  At 
<> are the quotes of 23 Senators (all 
Republicans, 50% of the 46 Republicans in the Senate) and 81 
Congressmen (all Republicans, 35% of the 234 Republicans in the 
House) who deny the deleterious effects of anthropomorphic climate 
change. Their uninformed statements indicate their appalling science 
illiteracy and that of the voters who elected them.

Unfortunately, Democrats in Congress are almost as unenlightened as 
Republicans - see "Few Democrats In Congress Support Capps Climate 
Legislation" (IT, 2013) at <> - hence Hansen's 
(2013) proposal at <> for a new "American 

"2": Whitehouse is in the economically sagacious company of: (a) 
conservatives George Schultz and Gary Becker (2013) in "Why We 
Support a Revenue-Neutral Carbon Tax" at <>; and 
(b) James Hansen (2013) in "The Courage to Fight Climate Change" 
[Hansen & Romm (2013)] at <>.

To access the complete 46 kB post please click on <>.

Richard Hake, Emeritus Professor of Physics, Indiana University
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"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being 
governed by those who are dumber."
     -Worthy of - but misattributed <> to - Plato 
(427-347 BC)

REFERENCES [URL's shortened by <> and accessed on 09 June 2013.]
Hake, R.R. 2013. "Senator Sheldon Whitehouse - Time to Wake Up: GOP 
Opposition to Climate Science" online on the OPEN! Net-Gold archives 
at <>.  Post of 8 Jun 2013 19:40:10-0700 to 
AERA-L and Net-Gold. The abstract and link to the complete post are 
being distributed to various discussion lists and also on my blog 
"Hake'sEdStuff" at <>.

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