Nicely done! I think there should be better unpacking of all their assumptions 
as to the “loss of significance” and you might find students having confusion 
about that. Fairly simple elements that high school and Psych 100 students 
should get.

G.L. (Gary) Peterson,Ph.D

On Apr 21, 2018, at 2:34 PM, Michael Britt 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Everybody,

If you’ve got a few minutes, I’d love to get your feedback on an online 
exercise I created.

My most recent podcast episode was about Significance Quest theory which 
discusses the 3 components that lead people to become violent extremists 
(and/or school shooters). I've boiled down the 20 minute episode into a 2:43 
audio byte and then used tools at H5P to create an online exercise for 
students. The exercise is mostly drag and drop, but there's an essay question 
on the last slide. The research article on which this is based is fairly long 
and would be difficult for students to read. Does this exercise allow those who 
haven't read the article to understand the key ideas of the theory?<>

What do you think? Positive and negative feedback welcome!

The episode is number 303 of my podcast. It does contain an ad.  If you’d like 
to listen to the episode (or share with your students), here is a link to an 
ad-free version of the episode which I uploaded to<>

The original article:

Kruglanski, A., Jasko, K., Webber, D., Chernikova, M., & Molinario, E. (2018). 
The making of violent extremists. Review of General Psychology, 22(1), 107-120. 


Michael A. Britt, Ph.D.<>


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