Hi Nate,

ltns, hope you are well.

Am Sat, 2 Jun 2018 09:05:47 -0500
schrieb Nate Bargmann <n...@n0nb.us>:

> One of the limitations I have had with Tlf in the past is aliasing a
> list of multiplier strings to a single multiplier.  To wit, like many
> US QSO Parties, the Kansas QSO Party has a different set of
> multipliers for in-state and out of state stations.
> For out of state stations the situation is straight forward, the 105
> counties in Kansas which are three characters in length.  For in-state
> stations, such as myself, it is a bit more complicated as our
> multipliers are the other 49 states using the USPS two-letter state
> abbreviations and the 14 Canadian provinces, also by a two letter
> abbreviation, and DX for the rest of the world.  When an in-state
> works another in-state we exchange the three letter county
> abbreviation, however, only the first exchange counts for Kansas, so
> we have a total of 64 multipliers!
> In its current iteration, Tlf treats the three letter county
> abbreviations as a new multiplier for each, but this is clearly wrong
> per our rules.  To provide an accurate log summary I use a custom
> Python script to process the log after the event.  It would be nice
> to have Tlf count the multipliers properly and verify the entered
> exchange against the list to avoid typing errors.
> How best can we accomplish this?
We will look into it, but it would be nice to have some more

Can you please provide us with your logcfg.dat, a sample log with
marked errors/problems and maybe your python script as a starter?

73, de Tom DL1JBE

"Do what is needful!"
Ursula LeGuin: Earthsea

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