* On 2018 11 Jun 12:07 -0500, Ervin Hegedüs wrote:

Hi Ervin!

> and you should pass this file to Tlf through parse_logcfg.c?
> brrr....
> :)

It's been a while since I followed the logic.  Maybe that's why I sent
the email first.  ;-)

> I think the codebase of Tlf is already very complex.

I agree.  I use 'git grep' a lot to find my way around.  I do this with
Hamlib and I've been developing on it for 15 years or so!

> How many contest could we use this feature?

I think it would be useful for a lot of US QSO parties.  Not every state
has its own party so there are far less than 50 as some states do one
party as a group.  Also, this probably only affects in-state
participants.  How many Tlf users would this impact immediately, well,
me, for one.  :-D

> Once upon I proposed that we sould start to a new direction in
> config file/rules parsing. I'm still thinking that the best way
> would be implement some external scripting language, as module,
> eg. Python and/or Lua. With one of those, everyone can make a
> more sophisticate rule for every contests.
> Here is my original opinion:
> http://lists.nongnu.org/archive/html/tlf-devel/2014-01/msg00101.html

Thanks for the pointer back into that thread.  I tossed a number of
lofty ideas out there!  This post from Tom is apropos to this thread:


73, Nate


"The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all
possible worlds.  The pessimist fears this is true."

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