Hi Gerard,

On Mon, Mar 07, 2022 at 07:09:36AM +0000, Gerard van Antwerpen wrote:
> Thanks for your time to help.
> First of all I installed originally using the easy way, using apt install tlf.
> Then, after your reply, used the git clone method, which failed for some 
> reason (I'm not a Linux wizz, so probably operator error!).
> Then used the tar ball, and that worked, and I'm now seeing Version 1.4.1.
> However I'm still getting the error on the buffer overflow:
> ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Welcome to tlf-1.4.1 by PA0R!!
> Reading country data
> Reading configuration data
> Reading config file: logcfg.dat
> Reading contest rules file: rules/beru*** buffer overflow detected ***: 
> terminated
>   Aborted
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

okay, I could reproduce the issue, that was my mistake. I just
copied your configs, and didn't realize that the rules/benu
contained this line:


instead of


With this, I got the same result.

Meanwhile - perhaps you already saw - Zoli has opened an issue on


So I assume Zoli is working on it :).

73, Ervin

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