On Thu, Sep 17, 2015 at 05:47:50PM -0400, Dave Garrett wrote:
> On Thursday, September 17, 2015 03:27:10 pm Brian Smith wrote:
> > (We should focus on conformant implementations because non-conformant
> > implementations can do whatever they want, by definition).
> The flaw in your logic here is the fact that specifications change.
> Firefox will receive a protocol_version alert from a
> version-incompatible server. Both implementations could be fully
> conformant to their target specifications, just different versions.
> Without this alert being consistently sent, everyone gave up and
> implemented a sloppy fallback mechanism which made downgrade attacks
> rather simple.

Yes, exactly.  Thanks.

> Certificate alerts can happen pretty much anywhere and this is a
> user-configurable area so it's not the implementations fault, but it
> needs to know what happened for anyone to be able to handle it.

User certificates will be useless without alerts for validation or
authorization failures.

> We could probably build a whole list here, but that's enough for me to
> say that alerts matter in conformant implementations and that we need
> to always expect they're used correctly.



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