On Fri, Sep 18, 2015 at 4:36 AM, Hubert Kario <hka...@redhat.com> wrote:

> On Friday 18 September 2015 00:58:19 Martin Rex wrote:
> > Easier troubleshooting is IMO a sufficient rationale to justify
> > existence of the alert mechanism and a "SHOULD send the alert before
> > closing the network connection".
> >
> > A "MUST send fatal alert" requirement, however, would be silly (and
> > will be void in face of rfc2119 section 6 anyway).  What would be
> > the semantics of such a requirement anyway?
> That's true only if you ignore the situation when TLS 1.4 or TLS 2.0 is
> deployed.

So yes, it's no a direct interoperability issue, but it will become one
> in the future.

Given a *conformant* TLS 1.3 implementation, that kind of interoperability
problem could only happen if the TLS working group specifically designed it
to happen. In particular, a conformant TLS 1.3 implementation must accept
larger values of ClientHello.client_version.

The same way as TLS protocol version in Client Hello

Right. We already have ample evidence that shows it is not reasonable for
TLS 1.3 nor future versions can use ClientHello.client_version to signal
the TLS version, due to broken non-TLS-1.3 implementations. But, unless a
terrible mistake is made, whether or not a conformant TLS 1.3
implementation sends alert will not matter in those interactions.

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