On Tue, May 30, 2017 at 05:38:02PM -0400, Victor Vasiliev wrote:

<Snip long message>

A couple points:

- Various mechanisms related to conserving IPv4 addresses can result
  client and server disagreeing about server IP address. Or even the
  address family.
- If one has limited number of replays, distributing those among
  multiple servers is the most dangerous.
- If you rely on sticky loadbalancer, you have to ensure that attacker
  can't send requests directly to the servers, bypassing the
  loadbalancer! In some architectures, it is rather easy to
  accidentially expose the backend servers, even if all the honest
  connections flow through the loadbalancer.
- Binders are computationally random, so if you want to shard on
  those for strike register, simple mod N scheme distributes the load
- 0-RTT scope can be written into tickets. The session ticket scope
  may be larger than that. Routing to datacenters should be relatively
- As noted, this mess with state is just necressary for security if
  you use 0-RTT.
- Could be good idea for clients to blacklist origins for tickets
  (meaning, use GDHE-CERT and possibly (GDHE-)static-PSK handshakes
  only) for some time if duplicate accepts are detected during
  grease testing. That should not cause any servers to actually
  break from user standpoint, since servers need to support those
  handshake modes anyway.


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