On 07/24/2017 05:49 AM, Hubert Kario wrote:
> On Friday, 21 July 2017 21:37:42 CEST Benjamin Kaduk wrote:
>> I'm afraid I don't understand this remark. There is the caveat to which
>> Ilari alludes, that the server can send whatever chain it has, if the
>> server can't send a chain that complies with the client's
>> signature_algorithms.  Since certificate validation is assumed to be
>> largely a function of the PKI library and not really in scope for the
>> TLS spec itself, this is not particularly problematic.  
> true; that disjoint between "stuff that TLS library is supposed to do" and 
> "stuff that PKI library is supposed to do" could be spelled out more 
> explicitly in the RFC though

I pasted that into https://github.com/tlswg/tls13-spec/issues/1062 but I
don't have high hopes that it won't just get closed with no action.

>> The other main
>> usage of the signature_algorithms limits what can be used in
>> CertificateVerify, which is directly relevant to TLS and depends on the
>> key attested to in the certificate.  Are you claiming that there are
>> servers that only possess certificates with p384 keys (i.e., no RSA or
>> p256 or other fallback cert)?
> Yes, there are servers that have P-384 keys. Not sure if they have a dual 
> stack (but that is unlikely as only about 30% of servers with ECDSA certs 
> have 
> also RSA cert).

To clarify, you are arguing that P-384 should also be listed as MTI?

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