> On Mar 7, 2018, at 16:35, Ben Campbell <b...@nostrum.com> wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 2018, at 2:49 PM, Sean Turner <s...@sn3rd.com> wrote:
>>> On Mar 6, 2018, at 12:27, Ben Campbell <b...@nostrum.com> wrote:
>>> Ben Campbell has entered the following ballot position for
>>> draft-ietf-tls-tls13-26: Yes
>>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all
>>> email addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this
>>> introductory paragraph, however.)
>>> Please refer to https://www.ietf.org/iesg/statement/discuss-criteria.html
>>> for more information about IESG DISCUSS and COMMENT positions.
>>> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
>>> https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-tls-tls13/
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> There has clearly been a lot of work put into this. It's a surprisingly
>>> understandable document, given its length and the complexity of the 
>>> subject. I
>>> am balloting yes, but I have a few minor comments and nits. None of these 
>>> are
>>> showstoppers, so please do with them as you will.
>>> *** Substantive Comments:
>>> §4.1.2, first paragraph: " When a client first connects to a server, it is
>>> REQUIRED to send the
>>> ClientHello as its first message. "
>>> Is that intended to prohibit the use of STARTTLS or similar application 
>>> layer
>>> patterns? (To be clear, this is not an objection, just a clarification 
>>> request.)
>> No - this is just how it works TLS - clients send the ClientHello message 
>> first ;)
> I assume your response to mean that the point is merely that ClientHello is 
> the first message of the TLS handshake. As worded, I think some readers might 
> interpret this to mean that the client can send no other data at any layer 
> prior to ClientHello.

Well this is about TLS :) But, maybe r/its first message/its first TLS 
handshake message ?

>>> §4.1.2, legacy_compression_methods: "Note that TLS 1.3 servers might receive
>>> TLS 1.2 or prior
>>>    ClientHellos which contain other compression methods and MUST
>>>    follow the procedures for the appropriate prior version of TLS."
>>> Is that intended to require TLS 1.3 servers to always be willing and able to
>>> negotiate 1.2? §4.2.1 has a similar assertion:
>>> "If this extension is not present, servers which are compliant with
>>> this specification MUST negotiate TLS 1.2 or prior as specified in
>>> [RFC5246], even if ClientHello.legacy_version is 0x0304 or later."
>>> But §4.2.3 says:
>>> "Note that TLS 1.2 defines this extension differently.  TLS 1.3
>>> implementations willing to negotiate TLS 1.2 MUST behave in
>>> accordance with the requirements of [RFC5246] when negotiating that
>>> version."
>>> ... which seems inconsistent (noting that this paragraph talks about
>>> "implementations" rather than "servers", so perhaps there's a subtle 
>>> difference?
>> In short kinda, sorta yes: §s4.2.1 includes the following:
>>  Implementations of TLS 1.3 which choose to support prior versions of
>>  TLS SHOULD support TLS 1.2.
> That still says “which choose to support”

Right so there might be some implementations that choose to not support prior 

>> Not sure it’s inconsistent given that the 2nd quote is about the server 
>> needs to do with the information it’s getting from the client.
> I’m still confused. Is the server allowed to refuse to negotiate 1.2? Or is 
> the exception in §4.2.1 supposed to apply to all of the related MUSTs?

Yes - TLS servers are allowed to refuse to negotiate earlier version; that’s 
deciding to not follow the SHOULD in  §s4.2.1.  If they negotiate an earlier 
version then do that version that’s what’s in §s4.1.2 and in §4.2.3.

>>> § The section is marked for removal. Do you expect that RFC
>>> implementations will ever need to interop with draft implementations? If so,
>>> the information in this section may continue to be useful for some time.
>> I think it’ll be useful for about as long as it takes for them to rev their 
>> code bases, which I am sure hoping is faster than the 6 or so weeks it’ll 
>> take for this draft to get to through the RFC editor’s queue.
> Okay.
>>> §D.5: This section has a lot of normative requirements that seem important. 
>>> I
>>> wonder why it has been relegated to an appendix.
>> §D.5 is about backward compatibility and though we negotiations with 1.2 is 
>> a SHOULD we say nada about earlier versions.  And, we don’t want to say 
>> anything about earlier versions.   And, some of this is technically repeated 
>> from other RFCs, eg. 5768 and 6176 saying don’t do SSL2/3. So, it ended up 
>> in an appendix.
> Okay.
>>> *** Editorial Comments and nits:
>>> §2: "If (EC)DHE key establishment
>>> is in use, then the ServerHello contains a "key_share" extension with
>>> the server’s ephemeral Diffie-Hellman share which MUST be in the same
>>> group as one of the client’s shares. "
>>> missing comma prior to "which”.
>> (grammar police are banging on my door as we speak)
> Well, my comment was labeled as editorial or nit :-)
>> So is the which clause restrictive or non restrictive?  I’m going with this 
>> this clause being restrictive (hence no comma).
> I’ll let the grammar police at your door debate the merits of “which” vs 
> “that” for restrictive clauses :-)

See the response to Adam’s comment :). But, yeah the RFC editor will definitely 
school me when the time comes.

>>> §4.1.1: "Note that if the PSK can be used without (EC)DHE then non-
>>> overlap in the "supported_groups" parameters need not be fatal, as it
>>> is in the non-PSK case discussed in the previous paragraph."
>>> I read "need not be fatal" to mean that it may still be fatal at times. Is 
>>> that
>>> the intent?
>> Yes that is the intent.
> Okay. Would it be reasonable to offer guidance about when might want to treat 
> this as fatal even though it would have been possible to use the PSK without 
> (EC)DHE?

So the fatal error is when the client and server are trying to negotiate 
(EC)DHE parameters and there’s no overlap in the supported_groups.  This would 
occur in the “normal” case when the client is anonymous (i.e., client only 
sends ClientHello+key_share and no psk_key_exchange_modes/pre_shared_key) or 
when the client is using PSK+(EC)DHE for client authentication.  But, that is 
described in the previous paragraph.  Maybe another way to say it is: normally 
you’d throw an error if supported_groups didn’t overlap, but here since you’re 
not using them because you’re doing PSK-only you don’t.

>>> §11: The IANA considerations have a number of constructions similar to 
>>> "SHALL
>>> update/has updated". Is that text expected to collapse to "has updated" at 
>>> some
>>> point?
>> Yes - once we’ve gotten the a-okay from IANA, well as the RFC editor to make 
>> it just say “has updated” etc.
> Okay.
>>> §E.2.1: [BDFKPPRSZZ16]  : Best citation anchor evar
>> :)
> I am trying to decide if that should sound like a “Bill the Cat” utterance or 
> a sound effect for cartoon violence involving high voltage :-)

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