I appreciate this answer, thank you

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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Friday 7 December 2018 23:48, Sean Turner <s...@sn3rd.com> wrote:

> There is no WG consensus to adopt this draft as no WG adoption call has been 
> made. draft-dkg-tls-reject-static-dh is an individual draft that is currently 
> being discussed on this list; in much the same way 
> draft-green-tls-static-dh-in-tls13 and draft-rhrd-tls-tls13-visibility were 
> individual drafts that were discussed on this list; there was no WG consensus 
> to adopt draft-rhrd-tls-tls13-visibility and there was never a call to adopt 
> draft-green-tls-static-dh-in-tls13.
> The chairs have been debating whether draft-dkg-tls-reject-static-dh is in 
> scope or whether the discussion should be moved elsewhere. Parts of this 
> draft we believe are in scope, e.g., providing guidance on handling key share 
> re-use and pitfalls for not following this guidance. (Note that how to handle 
> key share re-use is not the same thing as explicitly prohibiting re-use of 
> keys.) Other parts of the draft contain material for which we did not reach 
> consensus to address, such as Section 3.3 on prohibiting key-share reuse. We 
> are not the protocol police and have recently gotten out of that business, 
> e.g., by removing barriers for cipher suite code points. We do not want to 
> get back in that business.
> In order to ensure a focused discussion and avoid rehashing the previous 
> debate regarding draft-rhrd-tls-tls13-visibility, parts of this draft should 
> be rescoped or removed. Authors are free to take this material to an AD and 
> seek sponsorship, or to the ISE/IAB for further guidance.
> Cheers,
> Joe, Chris, and Sean
> > On Dec 6, 2018, at 21:19, Arnaud.Taddei.IETF 
> > Arnaud.Taddei.IETF=40protonmail....@dmarc.ietf.org wrote:
> > I am really surprised how the answers you don't like are systematically put 
> > on denial. Can you explain me what leads you to think that some people here 
> > are not concerned by the list of people you list? this is an assumption and 
> > the wrong assumption.
> > Perhaps on the contrary we are concerned BOTH by what these people endure 
> > but too by what other consistencies are basically removed rights to defend 
> > themselves.
> > As to the marketing aspect frankly this is an invention here and again I 
> > don't see what allows you to paint the answers you don't like because you 
> > don't like.
> > So I could on the contrary hightight the dogmatism that reins here, with a 
> > smell of intimidation, and to some degree the sectarianism back to the 
> > latin roots of the word
> > Regarding Human Rights, we DO care about Human Rights too and fact is that 
> > I had the chance to make more progress in 2 hours than I did in 2 years at 
> > IET and I had the chance to contribute to a magic moment with a Chinese 
> > Organization to comply a technical solution to Human Rights requirements. 
> > You know why? Because we took the time to TALK properly to each other, 
> > understand each other, learn from each other with no intimidation and no 
> > wrong assumptions that 'because we LOOK to be on the wrong side' we are 
> > foolish people, and respect to the fact that not everyone speaks and writes 
> > a proper English and sometimes words are dangerous when we don't know 
> > exactly the semantics in the right context
> > The assumption that you are the only one who cares is tiresome.
> > This group was offered a chance to control the development of a 360 degree 
> > solution for all parties and it was rejected. Fine. The ETSI took it and is 
> > taking its responsibly.
> > I don't know what leads you to think that a model where security resides 
> > only on the 2 ends of the communication IS the answer to all the problems.
> > The recent continuous scandals that are affecting a number of platforms and 
> > destroying trust, privacy and security is leading me to think about why 
> > should I trust this model. By analogy when I see how my body defends itself 
> > against bad stuff, it is using a battery of models, not one model.
> > In any negotiation you can look for what is the right battle, and those who 
> > understand that point will know that the right battle (and the one which is 
> > harder for the opposition) is on providing guarantees. This would have been 
> > a better battle to pick and would have given a chance to work more 
> > collaboratively and not by confrontation.
> > Now I don't understand what leads this group to try now to block the ETSI, 
> > can someone tell me and in particular the chairs if we have a consensus 
> > here?
> > Finally I am calling on the chairs of this group. It was very interesting 
> > to observe the many comments at the last IETF103 about the vile and toxic 
> > atmosphere that prevails here. I have all my time to work in these 
> > conditions but perhaps the chair could try to think about a more positive 
> > atmosphere of work.
> > A bon entendeur salut
> > Sent with ProtonMail Secure Email.
> > ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> > On Wednesday 5 December 2018 21:36, Daniel Kahn Gillmor 
> > d...@fifthhorseman.net wrote:
> >
> > > On Wed 2018-12-05 20:15:08 +0900, Bret Jordan wrote:
> > >
> > > > > On Dec 5, 2018, at 7:33 PM, Stephen Farrell stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > On 05/12/2018 10:22, Bret Jordan wrote:
> > > > > > I think we should be more open minded and look at the needs from a
> > > > > > 360 degree deployment perspective.
> > > > >
> > > > > I think we should avoid marketing speak.
> > > >
> > > > This is not marketing speak. This is understanding how these solutions
> > > > need to be deployed end to end in all of their scenarios from
> > > > consumer, to small business, to enterprise, to service provider, to
> > > > content provider, to telco, etc.
> > >
> > > Perhaps one of the reasons that this might across as marketing speak to
> > > some people is that your list of "all their scenarios" appears to be
> > > only business use cases (where the individual people involved are at
> > > most consumers of business products). You haven't mentioned
> > > journalists, disk jockeys, activists, flat earthers, dissidents,
> > > students, medical professionals, juggalos, community organizers, gun
> > > nuts, cryptozoologists, whistleblowers, LGBTQ folx, refugees, free
> > > software developers, elected officials, religious minorities, senior
> > > citizens, or any of the other non-business use cases that may depend on
> > > TLS for confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, or any of the other
> > > information security guarantees that are put at risk by proposals like
> > > this.
> > > One of the concerns the last time we danced this dance was that the
> > > proposal claimed to be interested in one use case only: "the enterprise
> > > data center", and yet offered no meaningful way to effectively limit its
> > > (ab)use outside the data center. This objection was raised clearly, and
> > > the proponents of the protocol change failed to address it. And now it
> > > appears that instead of addressing the concern, they forum-shopped until
> > > they found a place to publish the same approach without even
> > > acknowledging the concern that this could have an impact beyond the data
> > > center.
> > > A full 360 degree view might acknowledge that doing harm to the core
> > > priniciples of a security protocol that everyone relies on for the sake
> > > of one particular use case out of many might not be an appropriate step
> > > to take. (and that one use case might have other solutions, albeit
> > > perhaps more expensive or inconveient ones for people who have already
> > > made certain investments)
> > > I'm pretty sure we don't want TLS to be all things to all people, right?
> > > What are the core goals or guarantees of TLS that you would like to see
> > > preserved?
> > > --dkg
> >
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> > TLS@ietf.org
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