On Wed, Oct 2, 2019, at 4:04 PM, Nico Williams wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 01, 2019 at 10:56:00AM -0400, Viktor Dukhovni wrote:
> > I've read the draft, it looks quite useful and reasonable.  It would
> > be good to see this published.
> +1
> > I have one idea (implemented in OpenSSL 1.1.1 on the server side)
> > that may be worth mentioning in this context (and perhaps even the
> > draft):
> > 
> >    - By default, OpenSSL TLS 1.3 servers only vend multiple (two)
> >      tickets on full handshakes.  Resumed sessions issue just one
> >      ticket.
> > 
> > This avoids unbounded linear growth in the number of tickets vended
> > to a client that makes many resumed connections even after reaching
> > its peak connection concurrency.
> Dumb clients that say they want so many tickets on resumption, and then
> store them all, and don't clear out older tickets fast enough... can get
> DoSed by a server than gives them what they asked for.
> This probably warrants a bit of text on the matter.  Probably a SHOULD
> saying that clients should ask for only one ticket in resumptions (i.e.,
> not use this extension) unless they are short of tickets.

Asking for one upon resumption seems reasonable to me. Thanks to you and Viktor 
for bringing up this case!


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