Hi David,

I'm still not sure, if there is just a misunderstanding:

For me, case 2, the support of legacy peers comes with using only
full-handshakes, and no abbreviated handshakes.

For the client the consequence is, to use full-handshakes with legacy

So, I would assume, that just the same applies for servers as well.

If a legacy client tries to execute a resumption handshake, the server
in mode 2 has two options to support such a legacy client according the
general rule to only use "full-handshakes" and not "abbreviated" ones.

- abort the client initiated abbreviated handshake in order to make the
client restart with a full-handshake (that's what the RFC defines)
- the server chose to fallback to a full-handshake directly in the same
way, that the server would do, if no matching session id is available.


"The client sends a ClientHello using the Session ID of the session to
be resumed.  The server then checks its session cache for a match.
If a Session ID match is not
found, the server generates a new session ID, and the TLS client and
server perform a full handshake."

With such a fallback by the server, the general rule, to only use
"full-handshakes", will be also full filled. And the benefit would be,
that the client doesn't need to send a second handshake.

best regards
Achim Kraus

Am 28.10.21 um 19:44 schrieb David Benjamin:
It depends on what the server is trying to do. If the server is trying
to mandate EMS, aborting the connection is correct. E.g. the full
handshake section then says:

    If the server receives a ClientHello without the extension, it SHOULD
    abort the handshake if it does not wish to interoperate with legacy

Though I suppose the abbreviated handshake version is missing a "if it
does not wish to interoperate with legacy clients". Yeah, okay, this
probably also needs an erratum to add the right qualifier. Gosh this
document is confusingly organized.

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