
Does this always happen or only after splitting the window or only once in a 

Does running

    eval `resize`


   kill -WINCH $$

Fix it?

What is TERM inside and outside tmux?

What's in your .tmux.conf?

What platform? Linux?

What terminals did you try (so long as the list includes xterm it doesn't 

-------- Original message --------
From: Lawrence Jacob Siebert <gryf...@gmail.com> 
Date: 08/10/2014  06:35  (GMT+00:00) 
To: tmux-users@lists.sourceforge.net 
Subject: text wrapping issues 1.9a 

I've noticed that tmux will wrap lines around, so that I'm typing over my 
prompt, and it will wrap before the end of the X-window.  

With small splits, I start overtyping my prompt immediately, even if there is 
space left to type.

This happens regardless of terminal emulator, and doesn't happen with regular 
bash, just with tmux.

I'd like tmux to type until the edge of the split, or the edge of the terminal 
emulator if I don't have a split, and if I go past that, for it to wrap under 
the prompt, not over it.

Lawrence Siebert

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