On Sep 6, 2005, at 12:47 PM, Carlos J. Muentes wrote:
Wow, I had the same exact problem with SLES9 64-bit edition, but with courier-authlib! I did the same thing, uninstalled the 64-bit version, and installed the 32-bit vesion and all problems went away just like that. I found articles of others having the same issues with the 64-bit version of SLES, so I assume courier-authlib, as well as other lib's/bin's are having issues with compiling on 64-bith architectures. I also had issues with konqueror in the 64-bit version crashing for unknown reasons, that also went away with an install of the 32-bit version.

In the currently-unreleased 5.4.13 version of vpopmail, I added a patch from Jory A. Pratt to compile libvpopmail with the -fPIC compiler flag. He said it was related to AMD64 compiles and problems with linking to courier.

Here are links to the two CVS changes for that patch:

http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php? thread_id=8106414&forum_id=35252 http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php? thread_id=8106413&forum_id=35252

I don't know anything about 64-bit, or what the -fPIC option does, but you might want to try it and see if that helps.


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