Damian Barry wrote:

I have been sending out email campaigns to a list of 50 - 60,000.

I notice that the mail queue has about 30,000 that are just trickling out (about 100 per minute).

Is this typical?! Should I expect a campaign of that size to take 12 hours to run?

DNS lookups are quick when tested from the command line.

The mail is just HTML text, no attachments.

My hardware is modest, older P4 with 512MB on RedHat 9.

I’m running the last toaster before the most recent update.

Any ideas?

Should I slow down the rate at which I inject mail into the queue?

Should I re-evaluate the hardware?

Depends on a lot of things. remoteconcurrency, bandwidth available, big-to-do patch etc.

What is your current remoteconcurrency set to and how much bandwidth do you have available ?



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