Rao gaarU,

namastE! Due to my visa and related issues, I could not follow up the 
case. I shall contact my friend whose relative the student is, but I 
wanted to know if the message appended below is still available for 
follow-up (meaning I can still call your cousin, or your classmate). 
Please give a go-ahead if it's okay, and I shall follow it up myself. 
Earlier, my friend was hesitant of contacting these people, since it'd 
be appropriate for you to contact them and see if they can help (for 
no reason than that it's a long chain of contacts - if my friend calls 
them, he should say that he's a friend of a person who's a colleague 
of the cousin/friend of the recipient of the call). Now that you 
insist on us calling directly, I can do that (so that the chain is one 
link shorter), but do let me know how to go about it. 

Please copy your e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] since I may not be 
checking the group's id as frequently. Sorry for the trouble.

Thanks for all the great help,

--- In tomakeadifference@yahoogroups.com, "K S Rao" 
> Madam,
> I can give their details again now also...
> My cousin is a owner of a Foundry who doesn't have passion for Mails 
> IDs.
> He is a Treasurer in Country club. He is available in the evening. 
> contact - 2516834
> He needs a note to be signed, that the amount is refundable. He will
> arrange. Interest free.
> Cantact him, ask him to call me on my mobile. I will authenticate. 
This is
> not HAWALA but SS.
> My classmate is the head of LMMM - Light and Medium Mills in VSP. 
> contact is 9866223400.
> He also doesn't use the mail. He works 7 to 7. Take his appointment. 
> him at home. Same case.
> We have more friends who are my classmates in Engg. (1975 to 1982). 
We are
> all from middle class now in good position. Durin college days I 
used to
> clear their mess bills on time and they used to pay me back at the 
> Regards,
> KSRao

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