on 11/11/2000 11:45 AM, "Nick Bauman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Once again, good graphic design != good user interface design. I agree
> with Jon.

I agree with Nick! :-)

I also spent some time looking at Erik's homepage and reading information
about him. It is pretty obvious to me that he is entirely self taught (not
really an issue since I am as well), but the problem that I have is that he
doesn't seem to have spent much time with UI design concepts.

He can make things look pretty (and they do look good), but that doesn't
mean that they are functional or even take into consideration the larger
picture of web design, which is simply the ability to convey a message

So, please take that feedback back to him and if he wants to come up with a
new design based on the feedback that we have given on the list, I would
love to give my opinions to him.

p.s. In case Erik thinks I have my head completely up my ass, 5 years ago I
co-founded a very successful 120+ person web design company.
<http://www.clearink.com/index.php3/history.html> In other words, I do have
some experience in this field. :-)


http://scarab.tigris.org/    | http://noodle.tigris.org/
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http://www.collab.net/       | http://www.sourcexchange.com/

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