Ok, I'm just throwing this out there as a "nice to have" in the future and
maybe someone (how about all those people who haven't commit anything, yet
they have time to tell me what an asshole I am) might want to implement it.

What would be "nice to have" is a feature where the Tomcat HTTPd had the
mod_rewrite module implemented within Java. The issue being that on a live
site, I use mod_rewrite to make the URL's pretty or different (or both) and
I would want to have the same "feature" during development.

That way, developers could use the HTTPd within Tomcat to do development and
then easily move things over to having Tomcat sit behind Apache without
having to require Apache during development.

I know this opens a whole can of worms with regards to other Apache modules
like mod_alias and such as well as the fact that we are not trying to
directly compete with Apache httpd, but I figure that mod_rewrite is the one
module that allows you to emulate pretty much any of the other modules that
muck with URI's.



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