Remy Maucherat wrote:

> Quoting "Craig R. McClanahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
>> org.apache.catalina.facade.XxxxxFacade
> Nice package name. I wonder where you got it :)


Unless I understand wrong, isn't a "facade" already a well known feature
that allows Tomcat 3.x to use more than one different version of the
Servlet API?  Am I wrong and it does more than just that?

If I'm right, that means you're proposing to use the name "facade"
in the Tomcat 4 codebase to have a completely different meaning,
right?  If this is the case, could we instead use a different name?  I'm
not sure what name I would use..  "sandbox" maybe?

Jason Brittain
Software Engineer, Olliance Inc.
Current Maintainer, Locomotive Project

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