Hola a todos, Costin:

> lib/common -> jars shared by container and all 
> webapplications ( similar
> with the global CLASSPATH ). ( tomcat-core.jar )

Now ( i do saw today's CVS changes perhaps i'm out of date ) common only
need to contain servlet.jar, what do oyu think will be on
tomcat-core.jar?? i think in classloaders more in a tree ( as archives
directories ) of dependant classloaders.., and common will contnue to be
*root* classloader ?

> lib/container -> modules and jars used by modules ( including 
> jaxp.jar,
> etc)

Now it's on lib itself , right? if so +1

> lib/webapps -> jars shared by all web apps ( minimal set )
> lib/webapps/foo -> jars specific to each group of web applications
> lib/container/foo -> modules specific to a group of web applications

+1 good idea..

> I am also proposing few changes in the jar structure:
> - tomcat.utils: move all the top level "org.apache.tomcat.utils" in
> specific packages ( require changes in import lines ). 


> - Split tomcat-utils in few components.
> - jasper.jar will be separated in jasper-runtime.jar and jasper.jar
> ( to follow the general structure of tomcat, jasper.jar will 
> contain the
> translator, jasper-runtime will be similar with facade.jar )

+1, i will assume this work, if ti has no volunteers already..

> Costin

Saludos ,
Ignacio J. Ortega

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