> On Wed, 16 May 2001, Pier P. Fumagalli wrote:
>>>> [+1] Let's move mod_webapp and all its related stuff in jakarta-connectors.
>>> +1 The stuff is not ready ( neither the new mod_jk for 4.0 nor mod_webapp
>>> ), and when it is - tomcat-dev should decide which one will be used in
>>> 4.0. Isn't it how it works ?
>> Yeah, however that doesn't force anyone to give up his work, or should we
>> start debating on 3.x being a dead end??? :) :) :)
> I don't think there is anything to debate about that.
> All we know is that we have a release plan for a 3.3 release, a plan for a
> 4.0 release using a different code base - and commiters will decide what
> code base will be used for 5.0 ( it may be a completely different one -
> who knows ? ).
> Anyone is free to try new ideas - and to ignore existing code and reinvent
> the weels. And anyone is free to choose the codebase he thing has the best
> chances for long-term and work on it.
> But tomcat-dev must decide what is used in a certain release - and
> making mod_webapp the "default" for 4.0 is not fair. When you feel it's
> ready we can of course vote on it - and if indeed it's better I would be
> happy to use it in 3.x also. I believe mod_jk has more chances - so that's
> where I'll put my free development time ( if I find any :-).

One cannot even write a little joke that someone will start nitpicking
him... Bah... Apparently smileys got lost in my message...


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