"Pier P. Fumagalli" wrote:
> Paul Speed at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > In another thread on this subject it was mentioned that someone was
> > looking for a replacement to these tools.  I, too, poked around a
> > little but it occurred to me that I don't even know what the specific
> > requirements for such a tool are.
> >
> > Might be worth discussion.  Clearly both of the current tools have
> > their problems.
> Requirements?
> - Parse C (and optionally C++)
> - Derive documentation from JavaDoc style comments in sources

Right, that's the part where it gets wierd.  Assumptions can be made,
like I assume you break down the docs based on file (in the case of
C) since there are no classes.  Ages ago I used a tool that required
section "tags" in the comments.  Ugly tool.

For C++, it's a little more straight forward from an organizational

> - Portable on any platform (no weird C++ code, Perl, Java, or ANSI-C)
> - Maybe have a decent abstraction for the generated documentation
>   (kinda like the Doclet thinghie in JavaDoc, maybe even reusing that)
> Seems easy enough, but NOBODY ever thought about putting all those
> toghether...

I agree.  If I wasn't in poor, start-up company, working my butt
off mode, I'd throw one together myself.

>     Pier
> BTW, I checked out ANTLR (as someone suggested, a parser generator) and
> their GNU-C grammar, and the modification would be really huge, up to the
> point that it might be worth rewriting a new grammar, only for the JavaDOC
> style comments in source codes....

Yeah, in general, I prefer JavaCC.  No tangible reasons, just warm
and fuzzy ones.

-Paul Speed

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