well, i've never even looked at the iis connector, and i am by no means
an isapi expert, but what you describe does sound odd...  i was under
the impression that the isapi filter was doing all of the work.  didn't
know there was an extension involved as well.

perhaps you can, instead of mucking with the existing iis connector,
just create a new one that uses only HttpFilterProc.  that'd be cool
with me :)

Andy Armstrong wrote:
> I've been looking at the source of the ISAPI redirector (initially to
> get it to build again -- it seems to have broken), and wondering why it
> works the way it does.
> It provides both an HttpFilterProc and an HttpExtensionProc. The
> HttpFilterProc looks for incoming requests that are elligable to be
> handled by Tomcat and, if it finds one, it rewrites the request so that
> it will be passed to the HttpExtensionProc for processing. From a
> cursory glance at the ISAPI documentation it seems that this could all
> be handled in HttpFilterProc. Does anyone know what I'm missing?
> If there isn't a clear reason why it's implemented like this I might try
> and build a new ISAPI filter that works the same way as the Domino DSAPI
> filter. It should make request handling slightly faster, simplify the
> code and might make it possible to have some source in common between
> the Domino and IIS redirectors.
> --
> Andy Armstrong, Tagish

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