> "Developer" in the sense of this sentence is a Tomcat
> developer.  "User" is the people that just want to download, install,
> configure, and utilize Tomcat as a servlet container.

Agree.  That's why I suggested that we need to separate Developer Guide from
User/Administrator Guide.  I believed that the "User" community is much
larger than "Developer" comunity.  Hence, the 1st priority must go into
writing the User/Administrator Guide first.

I also agreed that we don't really need web application guide.  As someone
say (Criag ?), all the web application development is almost the same across
different containers.  What we really need is the documentation about the
deployment, which should be placed under User/Administrator Guide.

And I also suspect that the "Developer" Guide would be useful.  I don't
think we need to document every technical details (like API, function calls,
class diagrams), because these will change from time to time.  What we
really need is some technical notes on the design idea.  Of course, if the
APIs are stable enough, like RequestIntercepter(3.x) and Filter(4.x)
patterns, they need to be properly documented as well.  Hence, the
"Developer" Guide serves as "effective communication tools" among
developers.  For real hackers who want to know the internals or extend
Tomcat, I still believe that source code is the best documentation.

I don't have any preference on where the doc should be place, just like what
Craig says, it don't bother me much, and just hoping that I don't screw up
the code.


P.S.  Sorry to respond late as I'm 100% off the list since last Friday.

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