> Yeah, I guess anarchy will be a little too... anarchic :-)  (Rob S. made
> the point more strongly in his latest message.)

PDF conversion would be pretty cool...  Anyone feel like coming up with a
sheet to generate XSL:FO? =)

> If someone is scared of XML, they can submit it to us in text format and
> we can go add tags (as time permits), but we're all developers here, so
> I don't think that's an issue.

With the (hopeful ;) abundance of docs we'll put in there ourselves,
there'll be plenty of sample 'code' to work with.  As well, the closer we
stick to HTML, the easier it'll be...

> I. Standalone Installation Guide
> II. Installation Behind a Web Server Guide
> III. Deploying and Configuring, or Tomcat Administrator's Guide
> IV. Performance Tuning Guide
> V. Tomcat Developer's Guide (writing code for Tomcat itself)
> I and II may merge, as may III and IV, but I think we're looking at at
> least three major parts. Seems natural that they'd be in separate
> subdirectories.  But...

I like the above breakdown as a high-level view of things.  I won't have a
chance to look at the new detailed TOC until tonite, but anything I can't
think of that would go in the docs easily fits under I - V.

The tough thing about separating the docs is that the server.xml config
stuff is spread out among multiple files.  I wonder how difficult it would
be to maintain an index, or even if it's necessary.

As well, is the intro not part of this breakdown or just not necessary or
what?  Is the list even getting my emails? =)  I still think we should have
an intro for people that may/not use Tomcat... err I'll just write it tonite
and send it to the list and you guys can let me know if you like the
direction it's headed in! =p

> My vote is -1 for a separate mailing list at this point, at least until
> we prove that we're not going to peter out like every other
> documentation effort so far. :-)


- r

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