Answer inline:

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Costin Manolache [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, August 18, 2001 8:29 PM
> On 18 Aug 2001 19:56:33 +0200, Paulo Gaspar wrote:
> .......
> > The first two things that are really confusing are:
> > - the existence of 2 lines of very similar classes 
> >   (e.g.: TomcatAdmin and ContextAdmin) in the "tadm"
> >   package at "webapps\admin\WEB-INF\classes\tadm";
> Well, TomcatAdmin is the first tag I wrote, and it did a lot of things.
> Too many, actually, so I started to split it. ContextAdmin will focus on
> context tasks, TomcatAdmin for generic tomcat.
> Also, TomcatAdmin declares the "ContextManager" scripting variable, and
> that's a problem to be fixed - you can have only one <tadm:admin> in a
> page right now. 
Yes, I was thinking the same about that variable. I had to go around that
to improvise a context restart (by using "<% { %>" and "<% } %>").

Your explanation sure helps understanding what functionality is intended
for each tag. I can take a look at that too. It is easier for me to 
understand the taglibs than the rest of Tomcat.
> > - and the fact that "restart.jsp" does not work as 
> >   expected producing duplicate entries in the list 
> >   presented by "contextList.jsp".
> That's a bug. I'll take a look, I wrote restart.jsp mostly as a test -
> to make sure all modules are cleaning up after themself ( i.e. you do
> restart.jsp few times and check the thread count, memory use, etc - it
> should stay constant ). If some contexts are not removed - that must be
> fixed ( please add a bug so I'll remember ).

I will try (adding the bug).
> > Looking at "org.apache.tomcat.core.ContextManager" did 
> > not help a lot since its comments are not very clear
> > either, as is the case of its "shutdown()" method where
> > comments make me doubt about how cleanup should be done.
> Ok, what's not clear :-) ? As you know, I'm not very good at docs, but
> if you ask specific questions I may be able to answer ( and fix the
> comments along the way ).  

No one seems to be very good at docs on Tomcat. =;o)

In this case I am talking about the comments in the method

In this method's source code there are 2 blocks of cleanup code that 
were commented out. The fact that they were not just removed and the 
nature of a comment:
  "remove the modules ( XXX do we need that ? )"
before one of those blocks makes me wonder how sure it is that they
are correct.

> > This restart thing probably has some relation with the
> > work Costin is doing on "EmbededTomcat" - maybe the 
> > information missing is the same.
> It has some relation, in the sense EmbeddedTomcat must be able to
> restart ( and it's using the same calls as restart.jsp ).

Yes, the cleanup issues are related.

Specific questions, besides the above "ContextManager.shutdown()" 
 - Why is it possible to add 2 or more contexts with the same name
   and base path? It is a cleanup issue that this happens with the 
   "restart.jsp" code, but shouldn't this kind of duplication also 
   be prevented?
 - To make a hot restart, it looks like modules should be restarted
   too. Is this correct?
 - When using "restart.jsp", previously removed contexts (using the
   admin pages) were not added back. Why?
 - Where are existing contexts detected and loaded? Is it on a 
   module? And if yes, then which?

As you see from the above questions, I still ignore a lot.

Thanks a lot for your attention on this, Costin.

Have fun,
Paulo Gaspar

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