On Wed, 12 Sep 2001, Keith Wannamaker wrote:

> Then we need to be sure to encode r->uri in the main branch
> and to change r->unparsed_uri to encode(r->uri) in the 3.2
> branch.  I am swamped now and will put it on a long todo
> list.. if anyone beats me to it.....

Well, I said that would be my preference, but it's a very delicate issue -
maybe we should have a vote or discuss it more. The code change is easy,
deciding one way or another is the real problem.


> | -----Original Message-----
> | Sent: Wednesday, September 12, 2001 6:10 PM
> | Subject: RE: Remaining Tomcat 3.3 Issues
> |
> |
> |
> | My current 'preference' is to use r->uri, as in the main branch ( and how
> | it used to be ). That keeps rewrite working and is consistent with most
> | apache modules.

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