
In the latest release notes (4.0.2-b2) I´ve seen the following:
StandardContextMapper: '/' is now handled as a special case.
I wondered if this indicates that tomcat now behaves spec 
compliant regarding the "default-servlet". However, I found 
out that this still seems to be  not the case: 

Thus in my app "infovis" if I say: 


then requests should be handled as follows: 

http://bla:8080/infovis/ => MainServlet
http://bla:8080/infovis/anyNONnexistingpath => MainServlet

http://bla:8080/infovis/EXISTINGPATH => Existing resource !!!

current tomcat IMHO violates the last rule, which is especially
irritating when servlets include links to static content like 
pictures -> tomcat will in all cases where an URL relates to 
a >existing static resource (i.e. not a valid servlet mapping!!!)<
to the default servlet. 

Will this be fixed in the coming release !?


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