>JavaGroups is cool since it is pure, multiplatform Java, although
>(from what I know) it cannot fall back to TCP when multicast isn't

JavaGroups is cool, thanks :), and yes, it does support TCP. :))

>What I'd like to do at some point is take Filip Hanik's TC4 session
>replication code (looking nice!) and make it switchable to use either
>Spread or JavaGroups, or other communication mechanisms for keeping the
>session data in sync. Pluggable messaging back-ends..

I would fully support this, I think it is a great idea!

>FWIW, I'd like to see the in-memory session replication code as part
>of TC4 itself, with a pluggable messaging layer API that allows
>a separate messaging system to be used.

yes yes yes,
I would say make the hook ins and interfaces in catalina, and then you can
just plug in any messaging system you want.

Remy, as I mentioned before, I more than willing to be the maintainer of
this code base, and work with people like Jason to get a pluggable messaging
system in there.
Right now we are only waiting for you and other Tomcat developers to make
the decision to move forward since I don't have commit privileges.

have a wonderful day.


Namaste - I bow to the divine in you
Filip Hanik
Software Architect

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Jason Brittain [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Monday, March 11, 2002 6:01 PM
>To: Tomcat Developers List
>Subject: Re: In memory session replication, reminder
>GOMEZ Henri wrote:
>>>You can start with my doc, there are two references to
>>>JavaGroups in there
>>>>- Does it use multicast or others broadcast techniques ?
>>>Virtual Synchrony and Probabilistic broadcasting on top of IP
>>>see the docs
>> Excellent stuff, something which could have its room in
>> jakarta !!!
>JavaGroups is cool since it is pure, multiplatform Java, although
>(from what I know) it cannot fall back to TCP when multicast isn't
>available, and the license could be "better"..  :)
>If you liked that, also have a look at Spread:
>The messaging engine (daemon) isn't written in Java, but it's very
>fast and efficient, and runs on all the popular OSs.  The Java clients
>connect to it via TCP sockets, so the clients can be pure-Java.  The
>License is similar to the Apache license, and unlike JavaGroups the
>engine does know to fall back to using TCP unicast when multicast is
>not available.  It's been around for quite some time, too.

 But, if people decide that
>it's better suited to j-t-c, then that's okay (not quite as good, IMO),
>but I'd still like it to have a pluggable messaging layer API.
>Jason Brittain
>CollabNet http://www.collab.net
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