On Tue, 7 May 2002, GOMEZ Henri wrote:

> >I must say I don't like autoconf too much :-)
> Ditto, ant is better than m4 but we couldn't ask
> people to have a jvm+ant+... to build native code ;(

I agree - but doing autoconf twice ( once in APR, once
for jk ) is _bad_. Not only because it's double-ugly, but
because it can result in inconsistencies.

If you have APR built once, all you need is a Makefile.
I already added Makefiles for JNI and Apache2, for
IIS we can use the DSP. Apache13 is the only open issue,
and I think a Makefile using APXS will be the best solution,
plus using the APR detection results.

As I said, I'm happy with any other tool that simplifies the
life of other people.

> autoconf chould just detect apxs location and grab java 
> include (jni)

JAVA_HOME is what's typically used to locate java.

And setting one env variable ( or editing build.properties-like
file ) is trivial and common practice for jakarta projects.
( curently you have to pass options or edit Makefile, but the
settings can easily go in a build.properties include ).

> makefile.apxs allready works on native2 for apache 2.0
> and apache 1.3 and configure just detect if APR should be
> used for apache 1.3.

That's perfect. Just make sure it sets the defines that we
need ( that select what we want ).

> And it works when apache 2 / apr includes are in /usr/include/apache2
> and libapr in /usr/lib


> >As a secondary note, if anyone has some time we should
> >look at sourceforge's ant-contrib and their CC task and
> >eventually merge jkant into it, we shouldn't duplicate
> >the effort. 
> Hum, why didn't they include ant-contrib in ant cvs ?

I think it's sometimes easier to work on sourceforge. Without
Jon and politics. 


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