On Mon, 1 Jul 2002, Mladen Turk wrote:

> Well, I was thinking to customize and use the TomcatStarter
> mainClasses[] so we can start not only Bootstrap but other classes too,

The mainClasses[] is just a hack - so I can start any of 3.3, 4.0 and 4.1
by just changing TOMCAT_HOME variable.

It should work fine by just editing workers.properties and using the 
'real' Main.java/Startup.java/whatever has a main()/.

> So, using the TomcatStarter calling some classes main() with the
> start/stop is a nice and clean interface to as many loaded classes as
> they are.

I think you should be able to call any java class with main() with any 
arguments - TomcatStarter is just one case, which detects the version
and re-dispatch.

> Instead of customizing the TomcatStarter class in the worker.jni: I'd
> like to make the actual called class to be customized, but the problem
> is with those multiple mainClasses[] (perhaps semicolon separated?).

I think it is already customizable - you can set the name of the class
 to be executed by worker.jni, and any of the arguments. 


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