
> On Sun, 11 Aug 2002, Patrick Luby wrote:
>>commons-digester/logging, etc. I think that this would make the build 
>>more reliable since Tomcat 5 is dependent on very specific versions of 
>>Apache dependencies (e.g. Xerces 2.0.1 only).
> IMHO that's _totally_ unacceptable ( having tomcat5 work only with 
> xerces).

I think that the dependency on Xerces 2.0.1 is excessively restrictive 
as well. IIRC (maybe Jean-François could provide some of the details he 
found?), Xerces 2.0.1 was the only Xerces parser that we have found so 
far that does not throw StackOverflow or other fatal exceptions when an 
XML file using XML schema is parsed. I believe (Jean-François: let me 
know if my understanding is incorrect) that this problem exists even if 
schema validation is turned off.

> And having schema validation turned on by default has a strong -1 from
> me - if the spec _requires_ schema validation, then implement it at 
> deployment time. The performance hit is just unacceptable. 

Any performance increases through delayed validation sounds good to me.

> ( in the process we should also move DTD validation to the same 
> stage and stop doing it on every startup if the xml file didn't change )

Makes sense. Especially since we use this same technique for JSP page 

Patrick Luby                     Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sun Microsystems                         Phone: 408-276-7471
901 San Antonio Road, USCA14-303
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