Remy Maucherat wrote:

> Henri Gomez wrote:
>> I wonder if a release of commons-daemon is planned.
> No, because promoting it to commons proper got vetoed.
> At the moment, it looks like a split between daemon and launcher will
> happen.

For the record - nobody can 'veto' a promotion to commons 
or a release. It is a majority vote. If it gets 3 +1 and 
more +1 than -1 - then it'll pass.

I'm willing to change my vote to -0 if the API is fixed to
not require applications to implement the daemon interfaces
( I don't like the split init any more than I did - and so
I don't plan to use it any time soon ). I remain -1 on
tomcat having dependecies on daemon, and probably -0 on
bundling daemon with tomcat. 

As I said, for 'chuid' functionality I prefer using a direct
call - I have most of it implemented using jk2, I'll
finish this well before 5.0 is released.  


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