On 10/10/02 20:21, "Costin Manolache" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> The 'feature' is that all tomcat processes ( and you may run more than
> one in a load balanced mode ) can be started automatically and monitored.
> If one dies, it'll be automatically restarted.

  It's there, it works, don't reinvent the wheel

> To make things interesting, this information ( and other like that ) needs
> to be communicated to apache servers ( to stop sending requests to
> not-ready servers ), and potentially to an eventual JMX proxy. This is
> the kind of 'control channel' that was proposed several times and will
> have to be implemented for other purposes.

I read "Covalent Managed Servers Console" all over the place on this one!
:-) Incredible what marketing does to people! :-) I also know that maybe a
couple of clients of yours here in London might like that feature, as they
asked me if it was possible to implement... :-) As far as I'm concerned, I'm
happy with my old way of CVSing out web-applications and deploying them on
my servers keeping them in sync, and if something dies, Mr. Bergstein
(cr.yp.to) already wrote everything I need! :-)

> So there are separate issues - the most important beeing the startup
> of tocmat(s) automatically ( like jserv - but not strictly tied to apache
> process lifecycle ).

I can tell you that our main Java instance for VNUNET.COM takes
approximately 4 to 5 minutes to start... If I don't reply to HTTP when that
thing is down, I'm going to loose my job, so it's not something I feel that
in a real-life production environment comes handy...

That said, if that's your itch, scratch it... I'm not going to use it! :-)


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