IAS wrote:

> I got a little bit curious about why finding bugs relevant to security
> and fixing them should be not open. I don't doubt that there are both
> merit and demerit of discussing those critical issues with full
> disclosure. Absolutely there may be some peril that some (bad) people
> can misuse the opened information purely exposed to help tomcat
> community to collaborate against security problems. Regardless of such
> understanding, I feel sorry about loss of the potential that more
> openness can give more people chances to figure out the shared troubles
> and remind them of importance of security at an early stage.

The problem is when the bad people find out about the security 
problems before they are fixed. I'm not saying that anyone subscribe
to tomcat-dev is 'bad', but the list is archived and google searchable
and has a lot of subscribers. 

All information will become public - it's just that I think it is 
better ( at least for the bugs we discover ) to first have a fix. 
You probably noticed most of the announcements on security issues
from apache and many other organizations include a fix or at least
workaround. It is a common practice to have the security issues
forwarded first to some commiters, and then made public. And I think this
should be true not only for bugs found from outside, but also from

> There was also some comment about "other special issues", which has not
> been clear to me yet.

It's not clear to me either :-)

Maybe short notices like "I want to propose X as a commiter, does
anyone has any objection ?" - to avoid some of the unpleasant
things we had in the past. That's the only example I can think

> Basically, I hope every discussion among Apache Jakarta Project
> developers would be as open and transparent as possible.

Same for me.

My main goal was to get all active commiters involved in future 
security issues. We are all equally responsible. 


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