Jeanfrancois Arcand wrote:

Jon Scott Stevens wrote:

Create a separate minimal JSR 154 only distribution of Tomcat 4.x:

+1 []
0 []
-1 [X]


(1) Jasper is very a very small jar file.
(2) The Admin Tool should go with the minimal distribution of Tomcat. We decided to include JMX in Tomcat distribution...what's the point having JMX and not the Admin Tool? Maybe JSP is not required by all Tomcat users, but I'm sure a lot of them like to have the Admin Tool .

Not to pick on Jean Francois, but many times I have seen tomcat devs discuss
what the users want or use when discussing features.  I have no real idea what
features tomcat users use or what features they want, other than anecdotal.

Are there any facts behind the statement "but I'm sure a lot of them like to have the Admin Tool."?

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