Mladen Turk wrote:

>> -----Original Message-----
>>   I'm trying a different path that will reduce the breakage
>> and make /admin
>>   work with embeded as well.
>>   Basically I'm creating the Service and Server, even for
>> embeded ( where only
>>   engine is used ). That will make the model consistent -
>> even if Server and Service
>>   are barely used.
> Is the embedded working in 5.0?
> I've kill myself trying to make that operable, and the only one I've
> succeeded is the 4.0.6, but only when I put the entire distribution in a
> single jar or unpack all the classes, or make a 4k classpath.

> By the way, can we make a build for 5.0 that will be like sun's j2ee?

What do you mean ? A single jar ? I don't think that's a good idea :-)
( but it should work, as well as a flat jar directory - that's what 
embed uses )

If you execute the "emebed" target in tomcat5, you'll get an embed/
dir, and inside you'll have a lib/ with an ( almost ) minimal set
of jars - you can rejar them in a single jar if you really want.

The tomcat-ant.xml file is a sample on how to embed tomcat - all you
have to do is to make the same JMX calls in your favorite application
( where you embed tomcat ).

In other words - you'll need to create o.a.commons.modeler.BaseModelMBean
components, with a String constructor ( the name of the tomcat class ). Then
set all the attributes you want, and call init()/start().

Get it first working with ant, it's easier.

It works for me :-)


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