--- Marc Slemko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Thu, 17 Jul 2003, P. Brewer wrote:
> > I found the following thread from a year ago:
> >
> > http://marc.theaimsgroup.com/?l=tomcat-dev&m=102815260317741&w=2\
> >
. . . deleted . . .
> > Was it shot down for a technical reason?  Just didn't get
> implmented?
> > Or is implemented and not documented?  I can help with C code,
> but
> > probably not much help with Java code.
> You would probably be better off to just make mod_jk* properly
> support
> Apache (and other webserver) configuration directives such as
> Directory
> and Files, then use them to control what gets passed on to tomcat.
> Having mod_jk trying to do parsing based on filenames on disk is a
> very bad idea for performance and security reasons, especially on
> win32 platforms.
I'm not sure where you are coming from, I am not suggesting pasing
based on filenames on disk.  I am speaking of resource names in the
request URL.  Granted in most cases there is a matching file name on
disk, but that is irrelivant for this process. 

The matching occurs on the URI and the decision to pass to Tomcat is
made with out ever looking at the disk. 

for example: 

JkMount /weatherPage/* 
JkNotMount /weatherPage/images/* 
JkNotMount /weatherPage/*.html 

would yeild the following results 
Request                                           Handled By Server 
--------------------------------------            -----------------
http://my.server/weatherPage/index.html                 apache 
http://my.server/weatherPage/textForcast                tomcat 
http://my.server/weatherPage/images/sun.gif             apache 
http://my.server/weatherPage/currentTemp.jpg            tomcat 
http://my.server/weatherPage/images/cloud.jpg           apache 
http://my.server/weatherPage/city/newyork.html          apache 
http://my.server/weatherPage/city/current?city=newyork  tomcat 

ps. Sorry for incomplete submission. 

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