Mark Thomas wrote:

It isn't beyond the realm of possibility that I am doing
something stupid. This is what I did. Whilst looking into
bug11682 I created a very simple web app (just index.jsp)
made a war and then tried to deploy it via ant. I modified
the build.xml from the manager how-to and added the task
When using the deploy target, the results were as
described previously.
The root cause of the problem is that ExpandWar.expand
doesn't do anything if the context path is an empty string.
Hope this clarifies things.


<target name="deploy" description="Deploy web application">
<deploy url="${url}" username="${username}" password="${password}"
path="" war="file:///C:\\javadev\\bugsopen\\bug11682\\build\\bug11682.war" />

The idea is that when uploading a WAR, you'd have a .war with the right name, and no "path" attribute. Otherwise, you may have trouble after restarting. Maybe a context file gets saved in that case (this would avoid some of the trouble).

I believe your war will get uploaded to webapps/bug11682.war, right ? The manager servlet should IMO be smart and rename your war to webapps/ROOT.war (this is simpler, and consistent with everything else, this way).

I think I'll need to try it.


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