Remy Maucherat wrote:

Bill Barker wrote:

I'm -0 on this.  The classes modified are all internal to the Tomcat 5.x
CoyoteConnector, so there is no good reason to make them public.

The way that Coyote is designed, this should always be unnecessary. The way
to build a new connector is to define a new ProtocolHandler that deals with
the transport.

I agree, but right now the access declarations were inconsistent. I know Jean-François used this for pretty advanced embedding, so being able to extend doesn't hurt.

Exactly. I agree re-writting a Protocolhandler was the solution (and I did it), but I was still looking to extends CoyoteAdapter. As an example, if cookie are already parsed by the NSAPI, I don't want to call CoyoteAdapter.parseSessionId(..), but I still want to re-use the remaining of the class.

-- Jeanfrancois


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