Mladen Turk wrote:

Filip Hanik wrote:

really, so then there is no fail over.

Yes there are. In Jk default is to fail over always.
The JK2 has a routeRedirect to handle such cases (but not strictly).
If the routeRedirect is down it will still fail over, which is probably

cause that is what fail over does, redirects you to another server.
and with session replication in place, you should be good to go

Sure if you've set up many-to-many session replication.

We should have something like:

If we have a session route but the worker is down
  If there is a routeRedirect then
     If the routeRedirect worker is down
         return 500
         return routeRedirect
      Fail over to another worker
   return sessionWorker

Basically it means that if the redirection worker is down don't fail over,
but rather break the transaction.

It enables single session replication node.

I don't care if the fail over will be turned on by default or not, but would
like to have a control in cases where either there are:

A) session replication is in place on all nodes
B) session replication is done on a single node
C) there is no session replication at all

Like said the JK presumes there is A, JK2 handles both A and B cases (but it
should C too).


I am looking to get the sessionid: - By reading request_rec->unparsed_uri or request_rec->uri. - By reading the cooky from request_rec->headers_in.

How do I read the sessionid in the response?

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