Mladen Turk wrote:

IMO we could perhaps use exiting Proxy:
<Proxy balancer://myCluster>
   BalancerMember ajp://host1:port [balancer params]

<Proxy balancer://myCluser[/StickySessionName]>
   BalancerMember http://host1:port [balancer params]
   etc ...

I just looked at the manual for <Proxy> - it defines config that is common to a particular part of the URL space (it seems to refer to the backend URL space).

As the URL defined in <Proxy> must match the URL defined in ProxyPass, sticking stuff on the end of it like the StickySessionName would probably cause hassles and confusion. Rather have a directive for sticksession, or add it as an option to the ProxyBalancer directive.

I am still mulling over whether using <Proxy> is a good idea, initially I thought not, but thinking about it some more it's making sense.

The idea of this kind of config seems to work, what do you think? Is this how you've done it?

<Proxy balancer://myCluster/myWebapp>
  ProxyBalancer http://host1:port1/myWebapp
  ProxyBalancer http://host2:port2/myWebapp

ProxyPass /myWebapp balancer://myCluster/myWebapp

You can even do funky mixing and matching of protocols inside the load balancer, like this:

<Proxy balancer://myCluster/myWebapp>
  ProxyBalancer ajp://host1:port1/myWebapp
  ProxyBalancer http://host2:port2/theServerIsDown


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