Graham Leggett wrote:
> > <Proxy balancer://myCluser[/StickySessionName]>
> >    BalancerMember http://host1:port [balancer params]
> >    etc ...
> > </Proxy>
> I just looked at the manual for <Proxy> - it defines config 
> that is common to a particular part of the URL space (it 
> seems to refer to the backend URL space).

Yes, I saw that too and left the idea of having params inside <Proxy>
> I am still mulling over whether using <Proxy> is a good idea, 
> initially I thought not, but thinking about it some more it's 
> making sense.
> The idea of this kind of config seems to work, what do you 
> think? Is this how you've done it?
> <Proxy balancer://myCluster/myWebapp>
>    ProxyBalancer http://host1:port1/myWebapp
>    ProxyBalancer http://host2:port2/myWebapp 
> </Proxy>

It does not have ProxyBalancer directive but rather BalancerMember (just a
string so easily changeable :)

ProxyPass /myWebapp balancer://myCluster/myWebapp stickysession=jsessionid
nofailover=On retry=3

Or just ...
ProxyPass /myOherApp ajp://server:port/myOtherApp min=25 max=75 timeout=2

The <Proxy > section is not required.
It can be also written as:

ProxyPass /myClusterApp balancer://myCluster
ProxyBalancer balancer://myCluster http://host1:port1/myWebapp lbfactor=25
ProxyBalancer balancer://myCluster http://host1:port1/myWebapp lbfactor=75

> You can even do funky mixing and matching of protocols inside 
> the load balancer, like this:
> <Proxy balancer://myCluster/myWebapp>
>    ProxyBalancer ajp://host1:port1/myWebapp
>    ProxyBalancer http://host2:port2/theServerIsDown
> <Proxy>

Sure, the mixture is allowed, cause the balancer is not protocol dependant.


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