Hello Mladen,

I have see your checkin's and Rainer Jung very fine mod_jk extension concept mail.

I have two questions about lb changes:

a) Why you not change the lb_value value after successful recovery at service() function ?
After a longer fail the recovered worker get for a long time all new sessions...
See also Rainers Jung mail
b) I have play around with the mod_jk2 lb algo and find the level feature (hot-standby) very usefull.
With this feature I have setup to apache with two separate clusters.
Apache 1
Worker T1.1 level 0
Worker T1.2 level 0
Worker T1.3 level 0

          Worker   T2.1   level 1
          Worker   T2.2   level 1
          Worker  T2.3    level 1

      Apache 2
          Worker   T1.1   level 1
          Worker   T1.2   level 1
          Worker  T1.3    level 1

          Worker   T2.1   level 0
          Worker   T2.2   level 0
          Worker  T2.3    level 0

      T1.1-T1.3   Cluster 1
      T2.1-T2.3  Cluster 2

With this configuration every Apache has a preferred cluster.
Ok small patch are needed:
After a crashed node the algo find prefered worker at same level.

I thing the domain concept from Rainer Jung in combination with preferred worker from mod_jk2 can be very usefull for clustered env.


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