Mladen Turk wrote:
jean-frederic clere wrote:

Try to run the:

it tells:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~> usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -q APU_INCLUDEDIR

That's bad.
It should point to your apr-utils/include.

ls -lt /home/jfclere/usr/local/apr-util/include/
total 4
drwxr-xr-x    2 jfclere  users        4096 2005-06-29 10:43 apr-1

It's probably the apxs broken, and I doubt you'll
be able to compile *any* module, not just jk.

The solution is to eiter copy APU_INCLUDEDIR to the INCLUDEDIR,

Should I fix it?

Well, the majority of apache distributions either have all httpd,
apr and apr-utils includes in a single directory.
The only difference is RHEL that has that separated, but even
there both apr and apr-utils includes are in the single directory.

Anyhow, it has nothing to do with the mod_jk.
He correctly queries and populates those include dirs if the
apxs reports them correctly.


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