Something's not quite right in mod_jk-land.  The pertinent httpd.conf is;

ErrorDocument 404 /examplestomcat/error.jsp

Alias /examplestomcat "/local0/test/webapps/examplestomcat"

JkMount /examplestomcat/*.jsp ajp13

when the 404 causes error.jsp to be returned, the response code
is unset from 404 to 200-ok.  This behavior is not a regression,
seems it's been that way for a long (1.2.8 or earlier) time.

Line 1971 of jk/native/apache-2.0/mod_jk.c says...

    return OK;  /* NOT r->status, even if it has changed. */

This goes back to version 1.1 of the module; the question is; WHY?



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