Rajeev Bakhru typed the following on 03:24 PM 1/17/2001 -0500
>On the  login jsp page in the application, I used a servlet and created a
>session with
>HttpSession session = req.getSession(true)
>Then on this page (b) , I used
><a href = "<%encodeURL(..jsppage)%>"> and passes the same variable again to
>the another page (c).

Check the actual HTML output here with cookies disabled in your browser
(disable cookies, or have it set to warn you, then close and re-open your
browser and test it). Does it put the session ID into the URL? If your browser
refuses to take the JSESSIONID cookie, the session ID should show up in
the URL. If not there's something wrong ...

>but on checking with getSession(false) it gives null and I could'nt  get the
>previous session.

Some other things to check:
- Are the URLs when you set and check the session both in the same domain,
  and both in the same webapp? If the root of your webapp (in web.xml) is /examples, 
  the cookie won't be available outside of that directory.
- SSL isn't involved is it? Sessions can be lost when crossing in and out of SSL.

Generally, just check the flow of the session ID with cookies disabled and see
where you lose it.


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