I've run into the same problem.  I created an industrial strength bandaid for
this problem by writing a simple servlet, mapped to /null, that redirects them
where I want to go (which is defined in the web.xml).  I've been too lazy to
investigate what is actually throwing this so if anyone has any insight, please
speak up.  If you need the bandaid code, let me know.


Dilip Dalton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/08/2001 12:36:27 PM

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

cc:    (bcc: Bill Fellows/MO/americancentury)
Subject:  Form based authentication


  I am running tomcat 3.2.1, and I have started to use form based
authentication for my application.

  The 'examples' form based authentication works fine. But when I use if
from my application I get
   the following:

Not Found (404)

Original request: /hyseq/jsp/null

Not found request: /hyseq/jsp/null

  Could anybody shed some light on this,

Thank you,

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